Q: Where did your blog name come from?
A: I did not want to advertise my full given first and middle name because I share it with an adult film star (so fun), so I brand my socials under the name Kelly Elle (Kelly being my first name, and my middle name starts with an 'L' so I just went with it)!
Q: How old are you?
A: 28 (March 7, '93)!
Q: How tall are you?
A: 5'4" on the dot!
Q: What camera do you use to film and take photos?
A: I film using a Canon Rebel T3i, most photos will be from that camera or my good ol' iPhone!
Q: What do you use to edit your photos?
A: I use a few different free editors on the Internet or free apps (DAZE CAM, Tezza, Snapseed, Canva)!
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